First, a domestic shopping is convenient and direct home delivery, homes can be purchased commodities to provide a convenient life。
In summary: Domestic cart full of goods, the price can be substantially done comparative grid can be done more quickly and easily "shop around。
" Overseas shopping is very easy to buy shoddy goods; If you have quality problems, some private seller or dealer is no warranty; difficult to rights。
非法集资属公安机关管辖,抓紧报案,请公安机关最大限度追回被骗钱款 非法集资的形式多样,隐蔽性和欺骗性越来越强,如何识别和防范非法集资?有关部门建议: 传销印象 1.要认清非法集资的本质和危害,提高识别能力,自觉抵制各种诱惑