Shopping in the supermarket is very convenient.You can buy as many things in the supermarket .Everything is right there to be bought, including vegetables ,clothes, fruit and MP3 players.
And you can take it back and exchange it if you find problems with it when you get home .
Shopping refers to the behavior of picking or buying goods or services at retailers, which can be regarded as an economic and leisure activity.
Shopping means: buying things. Simply put, it is the behavior or way that people buy all kinds of goods, including physical and virtual goods.
Nowadays, online shopping is a trend, as big as Taobao and JD.COM, but there are more and more modern patterns. The mode of each platform is different. Buy is to buy, and things are to sell.
先想好什么时候去when,跟谁去who,去哪里where 怎么去how ,买什么what。
1.Do A Survey Of Consumer Buying Habits.(做一个有关消费者购买习惯的调查。)
2.Cultural Factors Underlie The Differences That Exist In Buying Habits And Business Dealings From Country To Country.文化要素强调存在于各国之间的购买习惯和交易上的区别,
3.The Central Computer Could Develop A Highly Detailed Profile On A Customer's Watching And Purchasing Habits And Opinions On Issues.中央计算机能够对顾客的鉴赏心理和购买习惯以及分歧意见进行非常详尽的剖析。
4.Consumer Habits And Buying Patterns Are Always Changing.消费者的习惯和购买模式总是不断变化的。
5.Diffusion Of A New Product Regarding Habitual And Loyal Purchase;习惯性或忠诚性购买行为下的新产品扩散
6.Place Consumers Are Accustomed To Looking For Goods In A Particular Place.地点消费者习惯于在特定的地点寻找要购买的商品。
7.I'm Not Used To Doing Shopping Online.我不习惯于网上购物。
8.Consumers In The UK Are Used To Paying A Service Charge When They Purchase Tickets For The Theatre, Sporting Events, And Other Forms Of Entertainment.英国的消费者已经习惯于在购买戏票,体育门票和其他娱乐门票时制服服务费。
快乐的购物 2006年10月21日的上午我和妈妈去华银旺和超市,之前我写了一个购物的计划:1八爪鱼、2蛋糕、3铅笔、4面条、5方便面......,快乐的购物作文。走进超市就看见里面人来人往,就像一片海洋,人真多啊!我拿着购物单去寻找我需要的东西,我找啊,找啊,终于找到了铅笔,我问阿姨多少钱,阿姨说:2元钱,我跑到妈妈跟前说:这4只笔要2元钱,妈妈拿出了5元钱要我去交费,我跑到收银台,把小票给了阿姨,当我把3元钱给妈妈,妈妈说我算对了,接着,我又来到了面条区,拿了两袋可口的方便面和一小桶面,买了两个香甜可口的肉松面包,到了青菜区,我突然想起了吃青菜对身体有好处,挑选了一道美味佳肴,它就是淮山,淮山有着丰富的营养,富含淀粉、蛋白质和人体所需的多种氨基酸和维生素,于是就买了几根,这时我们两个的脚都走不动了,但还是忍着走到了海鲜区买了新鲜的八爪鱼,八爪鱼有补血益气、收敛生肌的作用,最后,我们还买了各种各样的牛奶,就高高兴兴的去付帐,小学二年级作文《快乐的购物作文》。 还没轮到我付帐时我心里很紧张,但轮到我付帐时我却鼓励自己不要怕,不要怕,我这样一鼓励自己果然马上就付完帐了,虽然我今天很累,但是我很高兴,因为我体验了一次购物的乐趣。
i had set the alarm for 2∶30 a.m., but well before it went off, my boyfriend and i woke to a pounding on the chalet door. waking from a deep sleep, we found our neighbors on the doorstep.
“quick!” they shouted. “the clouds have cleared. its happening.”
neil and i had arrived in finnish lapland the day before. with its short days and temperatures low enough to bring on frostbite, there was one goal in my mind: to catch a glimpse of the aurora borealis.
Electrical resistance is a measure of the degree to which an object opposes an electric current through it.The SI unit of electrical resistance is the ohm.Its reciprocal quantity is electrical conductance measured in siemens.Electrical resistance shares some conceptual parallels with the mechanical notion of friction.
which means The ability of a material to oppose the flow of an electric current ,converting electrical energy into heat.The SI unit of resistance is the ohm .
Orange contains vitamin C and organic acids.
After consuming orange juice, it can stimulate the secretion of saliva, and has the effect of generating fluid and quenching thirst and dissipating the lower qi.
Refreshing and stopping nausea
The satellite is refers around revolves the natural heavenly body orthe artificial heavenly body which on the planetary orbit moves.
The Moon is the most obvious natural satellite example.In solarsystem,besides Mercury and Venus,other planets all has the naturalsatellite.The solar system known natural satellite total (did notcalculate constitution planet link fragment) at least has 40.Thenatural satellite is the finger ring circles the planet revolution thestar,but the planet is surrounding the star revolution.
We have a very crowded schedule.
Everything went according to schedule.