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淘梦者2023-04-14 11:17:56网上商城1



He is from Qinzhou.

He comes from Qinzhou.




Mr. Fool Wants to Move the Mountain

There were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high.


Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Mr. Fool who was nearly 90 years old. With the two high mountains just in front of his house, his family and he had to walk a long way around the mountains whenever they had something to do on the other side of the mountains.


One day, Mr. Fool called all his family together to talk about how to move the two mountains to other places. His wife said, "An old man like you cannot even move a small hill, not to mention the two high mountains. Even if you can, where can you throw so much earth and stone?"


"The Bohai Sea is big enough to contain all the earth and stone," Mr. Fool said.


my habitI have a good habit, I'm not late for class. Of course, I also have bad habits, for example, I often surf the internet.(我有一个好习惯,我上课重来不迟到。当然,我也有坏习惯,例如:我常常会上网。)


On the third Sunday in June is father's day.It is a day for chlidren to show their love to father.In fact,different country have father's day on different day.In Russia,father's day is on 13rd,February, Italy is on19th March,Korea is on 8th May.However,whenever the Father's day is,we children will love our father forever.(在每年六月的第三个星期天就是父亲节,那是孩子们对父亲表达爱的日子。实际上,在不同的国家,父亲节的日期是不同的。在俄罗斯,父亲节是在2月13号,意大利的是在3月19号,韩国的是在5月8号。然而,无论父亲节是在哪天,孩子都会永远的爱他们的父亲)




It's Sunday today, my mother and I go shopping in the supermarket .

We need buy some vegetables .I need buy some school things .My father needs to buy a sweater .My sister needs to buy some food for our pet .

How busy we are !


When you go to the supermarket for shopping, what beautiful things are, how well they are gathered and the categories are complete. Generally, supermarkets will have discount information, while under the store, you can go shopping after shopping. That is the advantage of going to the supermarket.

There must be some activities to try. The general brand promotion service will hold some tentative activities, such as instant noodles and drinks. The other thing is that the environment is good and it is cool in summer The disadvantage is that if there is someone, they will check out most of the time, and if the parking space is full, you have to find a parking space.








How to Have a Meaningful Weekend?

  The college experience to everyone, and every second in our college life should be fully utilized even every weekend should be meaningful. But it is disappointing to see that many college students waste their weekend as fools. Increasing amount of weekend time is being taken up by playing computer games, at the expense of not only their weekend but also their schoolwork. There are also students spending half of their weekend in bed because they have no idea of what to do.

  My suggestion is that those who are full of animation and spirit should join all kinds of sports clubs and that those who prefer peaceful and quiet pastimes should go to the chess club, libraries, cinemas or museums. It is also a good idea for college students to go outside of the campus during the weekend and find some part-time jobs.

  Physical activities strengthen our bodies and intellectual pastimes serve to restore vitality of our mental processes. Both part-time jobs and voluntary services are invaluable opportunities for students to practice their knowledge and to gain social experience. All in all, an idle youth is a needy age, so let is schedule a meaningful weekend right here right now.


in ten years, think my life is very good. i will be a doctor, so i will help people in ten years. in the future, i think i will live to be 200 years old .and i will have a sports car and i will have a big house.

  and in ten years people won’t use money, everything will be free. the city is very big and too dirty.

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