1. 完整性指信息在传输、交换、存储和处理过程保持非修改、非破坏和非丢失的特性,即保持信息原样性,使信息能正确生成、存储、传输,这是最基本的安全特征。
2. 保密性指信息按给定要求不泄漏给非授权的个人、实体或过程,或提供其利用的特性,即杜绝有用信息泄漏给非授权个人或实体,强调有用信息只被授权对象使用的特征。
3. 可用性指网络信息可被授权实体正确访问,并按要求能正常使用或在非正常情况下能恢复使用的特征,即在系统运行时能正确存取所需信息,当系统遭受攻击或破坏时,能迅速恢复并能投入使用。可用性是衡量网络信息系统面向用户的一种安全性能。
4. 不可否认性指通信双方在信息交互过程中,确信参与者本身,以及参与者所提供的信息的真实同一性,即所有参与者都不可能否认或抵赖本人的真实身份,以及提供信息的原样性和完成的操作与承诺。
5. 可控性指对流通在网络系统中的信息传播及具体内容能够实现有效控制的特性,即网络系统中的任何信息要在一定传输范围和存放空间内可控。除了采用常规的传播站点和传播内容监控这种形式外,最典型的如密码的托管政策,当加密算法交由第三方管理时,必须严格按规定可控执行。
Recently, Internet is more and more popular among people; meanwhile people are increasingly cheated by the information on it. So, can we trust the information that possibly is not very real? There is no denying that we must be careful about the Internet.
First, we must carefully distinguish the information between right and wrong. Although it’s difficult, we also have to make it. We can search specific information from database of the government. Secondly, once connected to money, we must be cautious about it. Thirdly, when we look for jobs from Internet, if they ask us for money, we can’t listen to them or give them money. It is a trick to a great extent. But some information is real and we can believe it.
As far as I’m concerned, information on the Internet is a double-edged sword. We must remain skeptical of the Internet information
3、产品质量风险。指与产品质量相关的失望,例如产品不好用或是假货。由于消费者不能亲自查看和试用商品, 网络上对商品功能、质量、颜色等信息的描述和实际商品可能出现差异,导致购得的商品与期望中的商品相差甚远,也许还会购到假冒伪劣产品。
4、服务风险。指如果产品出现问题,维修和退换服务所带来的失望。退换网上选购的商品可能会很麻烦,还需承担双重运费。如果网上购买的商品坏了,修理维护等售后问题可能得不到保障。付款风险。指在互联网上输入信用卡帐号所带来的风险。网上支付失败可能会造成货款的丢失,黑客可能盗用您的信用卡数据,会造成更大的金钱损失。 6、隐私风险。指消费者的个人隐私可能遭到侵犯。消费者在零售网站上填写的个人信息,可能会泄露给其他一些公司或个人。这些网上公司可能会在没经允许的情况下联系本人。 7、信息风险。指网站所发布的商品信息的可信性。有些网站提供的零售公司可能是不存在的,或者提供的产品信息是夸大的、甚至是虚假的信息。
1、保护网络安全。 网络安全是为保护商务各方网络端系统之间通信过程的安全性。保证机密性、完整性、认证性和访问控制性是网络安全的重要因素。
2、保护应用安全。 保护应用安全,主要是针对特定应用(如Web服务器、网络支付专用软件系统)所建立的安全防护措施,它独立于网络的任何其他安全防护措施。 虽然有些防护措施可能是网络安全业务的一种替代或重叠,如Web浏览器和Web服务器在应用层上对网络支付结算信息包的加密,都通过IP层加密,但是许多应用还有自己的特定安全要求。
3、保护系统安全。 保护系统安全,是指从整体电子商务系统或网络支付系统的角度进行安全防护,它与网络系统硬件平台、操作系统、各种应用软件等互相关联。
To earnestly strengthen the education of network security knowledge for students, all teaching departments are required to actively open computer network courses according to the requirements of the national curriculum plan, so that students can master the necessary computer network knowledge.
The school network classroom should extend the opening hours as far as possible to meet the students' Internet requirements.
At the same time, it is necessary to teach students the necessary network security knowledge and enhance their awareness and ability of security prevention by adopting flexible and diversified forms according to the characteristics of students' ages.
We will further carry out the study and publicity activities of the National Convention on Internet Civilization for Youth.
Education students to be good at online learning, not to browse bad information;
Be honest and friendly, don't insult or cheat others;
To enhance the sense of self-protection, not casual dating net friends;
We should maintain cyber security and not disrupt cyber order.
Do not indulge in virtual space and time.
Strengthen the management of electronic reading room, multimedia classroom, computer room and other places where students surf the Internet, prevent reactionary, pornographic, violent and other unhealthy contents from harming students, guide students to treat the Internet correctly and surf the Internet in a civilized way.
We will strengthen the development and management of cybercivilization and cybersecurity.
Various effective measures should be taken to improve the ability of young students to distinguish between right and wrong, network moral level and self-discipline consciousness, as well as the ability to prevent injury and protect themselves in the network environment.
Pay attention to in the campus network construction process, establish network security measures, provide multi-level security control means, establish security management system.
Strengthen campus network civilized publicity and education.
All departments and schools are required to pay attention to the study of preventing the adverse effects of the Internet on teenagers, and actively guide teenagers to get on the Internet healthily.
We should strengthen the construction of teachers, so that every educator can understand network knowledge, abide by network morality, learn network laws and regulations, and conduct targeted education on network morality and network security to students through classroom teaching and extracurricular activities.
Increase exchanges and cooperation with relevant departments of national network security, strengthen the governance of the campus surrounding the Internet service business.
Actively cooperate with municipal departments of public security, fire protection, culture, industry and commerce, urban management and other departments to carry out supervision and management of Internet service business places inside and around the school, so as to prevent students from indulging in Internet bars.
超车之前看车辆, 道路畅通左转向;鸣笛加速超车急, 猛踩油门别犹豫;超越过后缓回轮, 管前顾后多留神;条件不备别强超, 强行超车易遭殃。
1. 堵车或等候信号灯时,与前车保持驾驶员位置可观察到前车车牌位置的距离,易于并线改道;2. 排队时,车身尽量贴近车行道分界线边缘(注意不要压线),有效的防止不文明的司机强行并线;3. 不盲目变道行驶,避免事故发生;4. 尽量不跟随大巴车及封闭式厢车后行驶,保证视野宽阔,便于应急状况处理。