(参考调查问卷)广东技术师范学院经济与贸易学院学生课外学术科技作品课题名称:线上(即电子商务)线下相结合的商业模式研究----以家电零售业为例学院全称:广东技术师范学院团队名称:开拓者团队研究类别:□自然科学类学术论文?哲学社会科学类社会调查报告和学术论文□科技发明制作A类□科技发明制作B类线上线下相结合的商业模式研究---以家电零售业为例摘要近年来电子商务蓬勃发展,线上产品以其价格优势冲击着传统的线下销售模式,但线下销售模式也有着网店无可比拟的优质服务。本文以家电零售业为例,采用问卷调查法,实地取证法以及案例分析法等实证手段,分析传统商务和电子商务的销售经营模式以及各自的优劣势,并就两种模式相结合的新趋势及存在的问题,提出健康发展的建议。AbstractIn recent years, e-commerce is booming, online product impact on traditional sales model line with its price advantage, but the salesmodel line also has a shop unparalleled quality service. Appliance retail, for example, using a questionnaire, the field forensics law as well as case studies, research, analysis of the sales of traditional business and e-commerce business model as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages, and the new trend in the combination of the two models and the existing pro