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访客2021-06-20 21:57:41购物平台232

第一段 with the development of science and technology ,more and more people begin to shop online. Of course ,it has many advantanges. First. it is convenient ,,,,, Second it can save more time,,,,, However it also has some disadvantages. We can not see ,,,in person. What we buy may not be the same as we see on the computer.
二段 In my opinion, we should ,,,.


shopping habbits in america

since the baggage allowance is rather limited, i’d like to advise you not to do much shopping before you go, but leave it till you get to the united states. (可以到了美国以后再购物)many americans who are not so well-off often shop at “sales”(降价) and at “discount stores”(廉价商店) or “thrift shops”, (节约)which you may also find interesting. i believe you need to buy some clothes. there is also a rule of thumb (经验之谈) with regard to dresses in the states: change your clothes every day. for example, in an american college, neither professors nor students are often seen in the same costumes for two days on end. so you may find it necessary to buy more clothes than you have here — in china. while you are shopping in the states, you will discover that prices vary considerably from store to store and from time to time. the purchase of used, second-hand clothing, furniture or other household articles may be an excellent way of economizing.(省钱) most second-hand clothes are of rather good quality. if you are going to settle down in the states and want some furniture, you may go to a “loan closet”, where furniture rents at low cost, or you may also go to a “furniture exchange” place in the community.

sheets, blankets and other bedclothes go on sale in most communities twice a year. advertisements for “white sales”,(大甩卖) that is, bed linen,(亚麻) towels,(毛巾) etc., often appear in january, as well as in may and june or july. once or twice every season, there will be “garage sales” in the community, where you can get almost anything, from a yacht (快艇) to a pair of shoes, at bargain prices. prices at “discount stores” and “thrift shops” are as low as you can imagine.





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