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淘梦者2024-01-29 21:58:18网购技巧1

Snow  Have you ever seen where the first snow flake folly Is iton the country road, on the branch of an old oak tree, on the wheat fields inthe plain, or between the peaks of the mountain range?  See the snowflakes leaping, dancing like flowers in thewhirling wind. The flowers have six angles. Sometimes they are like stars.Sometimes they are only white dots, and they keep on falling gently in silence.  Without your knowing it, the fields, houses, trees andthe whole earth are enwloped in a thin coat of snow. I love snow, because it issaintly pure.  Winter differs from the other seasons in that it is notas warmag spring, neither as hot as summer, nor as sad as autumn. The snowflakehas her own grace and inspiration. It seems tender, yet it is amazinglyattractive.  The snowflakes are flying here and there and everywhere.It seems as if they are little stars in the universe moving along their ownorbit. Look! What a spotless silvery world, how great, how magnificent!  Away from the crowds of people,I stroll alone in thesnow. Standing in the snow, flakes of snow float over my head, kissing me onthe cheecks and falling on my eyebrow. Some make their way into my collar andsome tall into my mouth. It tastes sweet.  Looking at this silver white world, thoughts well up inmy mind. I feel as if I had become a part of them  ......  Some people say snow may bring you joy and happiness.Others think snow can get rid of the dirt in the world. Still others believesnow will purify one's soul, and there are those whohold the view that snow can melt all the evils in its purity and sincerely......  Oh, snow, you are as pure and white aa the angel inheaven. You come silently and generously protect everything in the world. Youmelt quietly and nourish a green spring.  Oh, snow, I love you.  雪  你见过第一片雪花飘落在什么地方吗?在乡间小路上?在老橡树枝上?在平原的麦田里?还是在连绵的山峰之间?  看那雪花在旋风中欢雀跳跃。每个雪花有6个角,有时像星星,有时像白点,无声地轻飘下落。  不知不觉地,田野、树木、房屋、整个大地都罩在一层薄雪中。我爱雪,因为它圣洁。  冬季与其他季节不同,它不像春天那么温暖,不像夏天那么炙热,也不像秋天那么凄凉。雪花有它自己的风度和灵感,柔美多姿。  雪花四处飞扬,仿佛宇宙中的小星星沿着自己的轨道运行。好一个银白世界,多么雄伟壮观!  离开人群,我独自在雪中漫步。站在雪中,大片的雪在我的头上飘,吻我的面颊,落在我的眉际,有些直钻入我的衣领,进入口中,甜丝丝的。  看着这银白世界,不由思绪万千,我感到好像自己也变成了雪花……  有人说雪给人带来欢乐和幸福,有人则认为雪能涤荡世界,还有人认为雪净化灵魂,更有些人的看法是雪将一切罪恶融化在它的纯净和真挚之中……  啊,雪!你纯净、洁白如天使,无声慷慨地保护世间万物,你静静地融化、滋润着绿色的春天。  啊,雪,我爱你!



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