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直播购物英语作文? 英语作文春节购物?

淘梦者2023-11-23 23:17:59网购陷阱1


We should regard the network as a life suppl ement ln network communication,we pay attention to browse,search and learn the knowledgeshould not be in the independenknowledge retention,it should not waste time on boring information,do"informationdiet" We should make good use of cyber source and twchnology,solve the learning problem in life.

We should also help to address some of the difficlties,do something for others and the society,useful things.ln the service of others,reflecting the value of your life.


Mom and dad have a holiday today.I went shopping with my parents in the Spring Festival.Sister.




The network is composed of several nodes and links connecting these nodes, representing many objects and their interrelationships.

The network will bring people extremely rich life and beautiful enjoyment from words, pictures, sounds, videos and other aspects with the help of software tools such as text reading, picture viewing。


With the develop and the widely used of the internet,shopping online is becoming a part of our life.Everything has dual characters,shopping online has advantages and disadvantages also.

Advantages:People can buy anything from the internet as long as he has enough money.

And you can receive the thing that you buy online at home,without going outside.Shopping online ,you can have more choice.for a word,internet shopping is convenient and fast.

Disadvantages:Shopping online ,you could buy something that you are not satisfied with it. Beacause you can't touch the real thing,just picture.And internet shop[ing is unreliable ,we should be careful not fall into online banking fraud.


Some people believe that a great many of problems can be brought by the automobiles. First of all, much tail gas released by cars harm pollutes the fresh air gravely. Secondly, too many cars result the roads in blocked. Finally, fast driving makes people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents.




It's Sunday today, my mother and I go shopping in the supermarket .

We need buy some vegetables .I need buy some school things .My father needs to buy a sweater .My sister needs to buy some food for our pet .

How busy we are !

九、a happy day英语作文购物?

你可以介绍一下在这个happy day的时候,你买了哪些东西,阐述一下你为什么买这些东西的原因,最后在啊总结一下你买这些东西的感受


My English Satuation

Although I study English very hard,my English isn't quite fluent.I think it is because my weak English foundation.Such as program ,vocabulary ,pronunciation and reading.I always regret I haven't try my best to do all these as I can. So if I had another chance I promise I would use most of my time to study English.Fortunately, I still have much time,so I believe I can change myself .



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戚薇 星乐蜜celebeeshop148705782.taobao.com...



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